Antispasmodic; Uterine tonic. Can help relieve menstrual cramps, leg cramps and nausea and post-partum pain and cramps.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration...
Latin Name: Rhamnus frangula
Common Names: Buckthorn Bark
Buckthorn contains an ingredient called anthraquinone. Buckthorn is used as a health tonic and was traditionally used as a "blood...
Botanical Name: Betula pubescens Common Names: White Birch, Canoe Birch, Paper Birch Like other natural herbs, the bark of the Betula pubenscens or birch tree has many uses. It is high in a compound...
Botanical Name: Prunus serotinaWild Cherry Bark is often used for colds, coughs, bronchitis, whopping cough and other lung problems. It is also used in cough syrups because of its sedative,...