Scleranthus helps when we find it difficult to make up our minds. Sometimes there are two options, sometimes more.Scleranthus uncertainty affects both small and not-so-small decisions. 'Should I marry Joe or Peter?' and 'should I buy a red notebook or a blue one?' may both be Scleranthus states.But we should consider Wild Oat instead if indecisiveness is to do with our deeper ambitions for our lives: 'I want to do something worthwhile - will marriage and a family bring me fulfilment?'Sometimes Scleranthus indecisiveness manifests itself in other ways. Some people who suffer mood swings and motion sickness turn out to be suffering from Scleranthus indecision. But neither symptom by itself is a Scleranthus indication - the emotional state is always key.Taking the remedy helps us know what we want. We reconnect with our intuition and are able to choose simply and decisively.